Draft: Resolve "Adding trinityrnaseq tool"
Adding trinityrnaseq tool
Closes #3 (closed)
Please include a summary of the new WDL-task or a new version of an existing task. Please also include relevant motivation and context.
Requered Files
Please provide the following files and data set:
README.md - include things like software versions, links to the software documentation -
*.wdl files -
input.json - this should work for the test and not necessarily specific to the subworkflow -
Dockerfile (optional) -
Link to the test data
Type of change
Please delete options that are not relevant:
New WDL-task -
New version of an existing WDL-task -
Edit an existing WDL-task
PR Self Evaluation
Strikethrough things that don't make sense for your PR:
My code follows the contribution guidelines as defined in CONTRIBUTING.md -
I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas -
I have made corresponding changes to the documentation (READ.me) -
I have updated the CHANGELOG -
I have added tests or modified existing tests that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works -
Unit tests pass